
Describe the whipping boy in the novel. Who is he? What is his job?
12/7/2011 05:21:56 am

The Whipping Boy's name is Jemmy. He used to live in the sewers with his dad. He caught rats and sold them by the cage full. he sold them to people who made the rats fight. But the king took Jemmy and made him be a whipping boy. They whip him whenever the prince is bad. Why you ask? Well because they weren't aloud. That is the story of Jemmy.

12/7/2011 05:34:10 am

Jemmy is known as the Whipping Boy in The Whipping Boy. Jemmy is very brave because a lot of boys that would be used for Whipping Boys would cry once they have had five whipps in a row. Jemmy knows when he is going to be whipped. Jemmy wants to run away, but who could blame him? Jemmy learned how to read, write and do sums. So that proves that Jemmy is way smarter than Prince Brat. If the prince makes a plan Jemmy has to go with it.

12/7/2011 08:31:05 am

The whipping boy is someone who gets whipped for if prince B-R-A-T does something bad.Because it is forbidin to whip a prince,but the whipping boy named jemmey never bawls,and the king does like it and the king has a talk with him and said Its always fun when you bawl! Jemmey who is the wipping boy in this story.He was found in the streets,but he and his pa lived in the sewer.

12/7/2011 10:27:03 pm

jemmy lived in the sours with his dad. Jemmy is a boy.They caght rats to sell. Then princ Brat kid naps Jemmy!!!princ Brat uses Jemmy as a wipping boy.But jemmy is a strong boy and wont yelp or cry. prince Brate douse not like that
and Jemmy douse not like getting wiped so jemmy runs away!!!! prince Brat is after jemmy!What will happnin to poor Jemmy???

12/7/2011 10:37:50 pm

Jemmy is brave because he is not scard to go in in the sewer and he is strong because he gets whipped ever day and he don't say OWWWWW!

12/7/2011 10:46:40 pm

The whipping boys job isb to get whipped.

12/9/2011 02:27:29 am

I don't really understand what the whipping boy's job is,but I am just going to put everything I predict.The whipping boy's job is to whip other people and Jemmy's said "ain't I already been whipped twice today"?But is the whipping boy I think,but for some reason I don't really get what the whipping boy's job is.

12/12/2011 05:45:28 am

The whipping boy's job is to get whipped in place of the prince because it is forbidden to hurt a prince or a king in any way.

12/12/2011 11:18:16 am

The whipping boy is also known as Jemmy. He is brave and smart. His job is to get whipped whenever the prince is bad.Jemmy does not bawl when he gets whipped.


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