
Describe how Prince Brat and Jemmy are different from each other by making a list of their character traits. Then compare them.
1/11/2012 08:27:32 am

Prince Brat's character traits...
dumb, mean, and selfish.

Jemmy's charcater traits...
smart, tricky, and TOUGH!!!

They are both boys, they are both small, and they are both skinny.

1/11/2012 08:38:44 am

Prince Brat is dumb, and he is mean. He is a big brat.
Jemmy is a tricky boy. He is also brave. When he gets whipped he doesn't say owwwwwwwwwwww.

They are both small and live in a castle.

1/12/2012 09:25:11 pm

Here are a few reasons Prince Brat and the Whiping Boy are alike.they're both boys,they both live in a castle and they both get to wear nice cloths.Now theese are some reasons they're not alike.Prince Brat is dumb as dirt and Jemmy is brave and smart.

1/12/2012 10:41:11 pm

Price Brat and Jemmy are boys.They have both been in a castle.Prince Brat is the dumbest person ever,and Jemmy is so brave and smart.

1/12/2012 10:41:15 pm

These are some things that are differrent from Jemmy and Prince Brat. These are some thing that are about Jemmy. I wouldn't recall saying these things about Prince Brat. First of all Jemmy is smart and way easier to teach. So when he is easy to teach the people that teach Prince Brat and Jemmy can teach Jemmy more stuff. Secondly Jemmy is kinder than Prince Brat because did you see Jemmy tie royal people's wiggs to chairs and laugh when they standded up to toast? Ha Ha NO!!! So that proves that Jemmy is way kinder. Would Jemmy go running off by himself? NO!!! Well I know he makes planes and all but. Sorry I got a little carried away. But I'm better now. Now on to Prince Brat. First and last of all Prince Brat is so dunb he could win the most dumb reward. Next Prince WWWWWWWait!!! I said that was the first and last thing. ..........Oh who cares let's get back on track. So Prince Brat is mean because he was the one who tied the wiggs to the back of the chairs he was the one who made Jemmy run away with him why would he even want to leave he's a prince soon to be KING!!! For heaven sakes. O.K I got caried away again. That's all for right now. !!!!!!!BYE!!!!!!!

1/12/2012 10:47:56 pm

I think Jemmy & Prince Brat are alike in 3 different ways. 1 is because they are both boys. 2 is because they both have two legs. Last but not least is becausethey both have two arms. I think Jemmy and Prince Brat are not alike is because Prince Brat is dumb and Jemmy is smart.

1/13/2012 09:34:15 am

Prince Brat is so crazy. It's like he has sand for brains.he's also mean. Jemmy is brave and smart. He's also cleaver.There both boys.

1/17/2012 10:14:43 pm

Prince Brat Is the worlds biggist dunce! Jemmy on the other hand is prety darn smart. Jemmy and Prince Brat are both in the royil family.

1/19/2012 05:08:14 am

I think Prince Brat and Jemmy are not alike because Jemmy is smart, clever and easy to teach. On the other hand Prince Brat, he's an idiot, uneasy to teach, selfish and mean. They are alike because their both boys and they both live in the same place. BYE! ( for now )


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