
If you could spend a day with one of the main characters, who would you pick? Jemmy or Prince Brat? Explain why and give details of what you would do with them.
1/19/2012 05:25:58 am

I would want to spend a day with Jemmy. Why because he is not a jerk or an idiot. I would want to bring him to the year 2012 and we would go to Disney World and ride on all the the roller coasters!!! Then we would go to Africa and pet lions, ride on elephants, pet giraffes and run with the zebras!!! I think Jemmy would love it!! BYE!!!! ( for now )

1/19/2012 08:22:30 am

I would spend a day with Prince Brat by teaching him how to be friendly because I think he is mean. I would take him to a park and we could share the equiptment. He would have to wait in line and take turns. When he learns this stuff maybe he won't have the nickname Prince Brat because now he is friendly. That is how I would spend a day with Prince Brat.

1/19/2012 10:15:00 am

I wouldn't want to spend the day with either of them but if I had to pick one it would have to be Jemmy. I would ask why he didn't look at the driver and the pasenger before he got in. It was pretty dumb of him not to do that because of what that him and Prince Brat had got them selfs into. I would ask him what if he got sick and Prince Brat had been really bad and mean. By like lunch time I would KICK HIM OUT!!!!!! So he would be gone forever.

1/19/2012 10:23:11 pm

I would like to spend a day with Jemmy because,in the book it sounds like he fun adventures,he is brave,and wise.I'd like him to come in the future than I rather come in the past.Do you understand why I wouldn't want to come in the past?Well, it's because the word dunce.

1/19/2012 10:24:26 pm

I would spend a day with Prince Horace and teach him some stuff. Like math facts,writing get him some freinds or just hang out with him.

1/19/2012 10:24:30 pm

I would spend a day with Jemmy because he ls so nice. We would play truth or dare with him and we would do pranks on people.

1/23/2012 08:10:40 am

I would spend a day with Jemmy because he is so nice. We would play truth or dare and we would do pranks on people. We would put a fake spider on the tables of a resteront but first we would ask the mananger of the resteront if we were aloud to do that. That is what I would do with Jemmy. It would be awsome!!!!

1/19/2012 10:25:32 pm

I would take Prince Brat to a baseball game and theach him all the rules. I would teach him 1+1=2 (although it woud be very hard). I would teach him this time. Like cars. It would actully be fun. :)

1/19/2012 10:25:57 pm

I would want to spend a day with Jemmey because I would go exploring in the sewer.

1/20/2012 07:52:16 am

If I had to stay with prince Brat or Jemmy I'd pick prince Brat because I could teach him to be kind,genres, and friendly.If he disobeys me I'll throw 13 pies in his face.I'll only give him only one chance to be bad.If he dose some thing good I'll do or give him some thing he likes and that's what's going to be my day with prince Brat.


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